Oops, glömde helt bort spelningen i Dallas (House of Blues) igår kväll, men
här kommer iallafall filmer & bilder därifrån !
2008_08280056-1.jpg picture by razorbladekiss192006

Live every second


Don't Jump

Break away

Love is dead


Mycket videointervjuer dyker upp just nu ! Denna kommer ifrån Buzznet .
Dem pratar bland annat om glass ;> watch it !

Länk :

ifrån intervjun

Q1: I noticed that there's more back up singing now in your performances. Can the fans expect more singers in the group other than Bill now?
Tom: I don't believe it! I think George and Gustav are brilliant singers too *Bill laughs* And, you know, to be honest, I'm the best singer in the band.
Georg: But he's too nervous(?)
Tom: But Bill needs a job, so...I think he always is our singer.

Q2: You're often times compared to Cinema Bizarre. What do you think about their music and style?
Bill: We are not really in this topic. I don't know so much about the group. I just saw one picture or something. I don't know their music, the guys, so *laughs*

Q3: How long does it take Bill to do your hair in the morning?
Bill: Not too long. I think George needs more time. You know, I think 45 minutes, but not only the hair, I think taking a shower and everything. You just need a little hairspray.

Q4: Which side of the bed do you guys sleep on?
Tom: In the tour bus, you have just one side.
Bill: It's pretty small.
Tom: But I think if I had a big bed...
Gustav: I always sleep in the middle
Georg: Always always there with the telephone
Tom: Yea, where the telephone is.
Bill: For me it's right!

Q5: Which member of your band can burp the loudest?
Gustav: Bill! Definitely Bill.
Bill: *laughs* You wouldn't expect that, but it's definitely me!

Q6: Jade from AFI has made a remix of your song RSG. What AFI song would you guys want to remix?
Bill: *makes DJ squeaky motion* Oh, we are not good remixxers, you know.
Tom: George is a good DJ..
Gustav: Good dancer.
Bill: It wouldn't be hard to make a remix

Q6:What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
Bill: Oh, I love caramel brownie.
Tom: I like lemon.
Gustav: Stracciatella (vanilla ice cream with choclate streaks)
Georg: For me, it's strawberry.

Q7: Are you guys thinking of acting at any point.

Bill: Synchonized movie in Germany (Arthur und die Minimoys). I think I would try it, but I have so much respect for them, because I think I'm not so good. But I really want to try it one time. But I'm not sure in which movie, it's not fixed, but I think in the future. Why not!
Tom: I think we have our own TV show, Tokio Hotel TV. We don't have to act, but it's also difficult.
Bill: No, I think I would love to play a vampire. That would be cool.
Tom: It would be crazy


Massvis av bilder ifrån Anaheim konserten från Buzznet!






Videointervju ifrån ABC News. Gustav pratar mycket mer än han vanligtvis
gör, Tom är helt sjukt snygg och jag kan inte låta bli att le när Bills armband
klirrar och hans hår blåser , tihi.

Se videon här :
( Den hör ihop med en 3 sidor lång artikel )

Bill - I really think my favourit song is By your side, I really like the melody and
everything, I really think it's a good song but just at the moment, the next day
it would be another song, but I don't know -ler-
(Han ser så söt ut när han säger det :* nu ska jag sluta kommentera allt . . )


Jättesöt intervju, Bill & Tom sitter och dinglar med benen :* haha
Dem pratar om VMA, och om hur det är att turnera i USA.

Länk :


Nu har äntligen röstningen börjat inför MTV European Music Awards (EMA)
Tokio Hotel går att rösta på i kategorierna, Best act ever & Headliner !
RÖSTA, RÖSTA, RÖSTA NU! Vi måste vi göra detta årets EMA till en lika stor
succe som det blev för TH's del förra året ! Man kommer att kunna rösta i 4 veckor
sedan kommer de 5 bästa i varje kategori gå vidare till nästa omröstning.

R Ö S T A .
Länk : http://ema.mtv.tv/vote/


( Omgrr, jag måste ha tidningen )

Artikeln, google översatt.
Between old pizza cartons and empty cola cans was a simple microphone, it smelled musty. About three years ago Bill (18), Tom (18), Gustav (19) and Georg (21) rehearsed in a dark warehouse in Magdeburg.
Today, they stand on the roof of the coolest designer hotel in San Francisco. Tomorrow, they play a sold out concert at Fillmore Theatre before 1,200 fans. What a sensational career!

BRAVO met the guys in California. With their XXL sun glasses they pose exclusively for us. On 7 September, they will appear on the hottest pop-party in the world: The MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles where they will sit alongside the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Brittney Spears, Rihanna and Madonna. The superstars from Sachen-Anhalt can hardly grasp it: "It's a great honor for us. We look totally forward to it. Just to be there is a dream," Tom says.

A truly incredible dream began for Tom and Bill in the 665-inhabitant village Loitsche. Among the first photo shoots in Magdeburg Gustav was still on a bicycle. The twins trudelten with the S-Bahn. According to George, turned on the street still no man.

What kind of madness on the other hand there recently was in New York. At the MTV show "TRL" at Times Square rasteten the fans total. The four rockers were could hardly go to the doors of their luxury cars.
"When we have begun 2005, none of us expected times in the U.S. tour," says Bill. "We hoped for success and thought it would be cool to perform at 'Factory," the largest club in Magdeburg,

But back to San Francisco, back to today. It is true that life have changed, but the guys still remain on the ground. They are open and know exactly what they want - and what not! Tom makes spells as ever. But the slight Sachsen accent has disappeared. Three years after its Superhit "Through the Monsoon", they are on top. Bill: "Many experts thought we would only be a one-hit wonder. But we are still here and we are incredibly proud."

In a big series Tokio Hotel they tell Bravo everything about their happiest moments, their biggest defeats, the craziest experiences from next week in BRAVO!


Alla foton är tagna av Schnee som driver THA (Tokiohotelamerica.com)



Omg, alla posterna från Comet är så geil ! :-D


Bill @ Las Vegas signing , Comet halsbandet är kärlek!


Signering i Las Vegas igår eftermiddag.
Efter att bilden här nedanför på Bill postades så surrar det ett rykte om att han
använder lösögonfransar, mahah. Det ser ju faktiskt ut så på bilden, eller hur?



Tokio Hotel har spelat in ett videomeddelande och skapat en
playlist med sina favoritlåtar som alla tidigare har vart nominerade
i kategorin "Best new artist" i VMA. Bland annat Eminem, Marilyn Manson
mfl. Bill pratar riktigt långsamt mot vad han brukar, duktigt haha ;>

Lyssna här :


Länk till resten av bilderna :


Mycket mycket söt videointervju ifrån CosmoGirl.
Bill är sötast när han ska beskriva Skittles
- These little things in different colors, they're red . .

Länk till intervjun (missa absolut inte att se denna)


Men total lycka just nu!


Posted in Best New Artist on Aug 22, 2008 at 5:53 PM

We just received some pretty amazing news from Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg! The guys
announced that if they win one Video Music Award in Los Angeles this year then they'll not
only celebrate with their American fans at the VMAs. no, they will also organize a cool
Tokio Hotel VMA fan party shortly after the VMAs in a European city (yes, the guys will be there too!!!)
and Tokio Hotel will also do a HUGE signing session in that European city!
YOU guys can make this happen - all you need to do is click HERE, vote for Tokio Hotel in the
category BEST NEW ARTIST and make them #1! Before you start the voting action you need to
create a free MTV.com account - click HERE to register and don't forget: Voting in the
category BEST NEW ARTIST is unlimited.

Källa :


Dags för Las Vegas, kl 04.00 i natt svensk tid närmare bestämt.
Igår hade killarna en ledig dag i Las Vegas, förhoppningsvis tog
dom sig tid att utforska staden istället för att sova hela dagen ;>
anyway, en liten artikel ifrån Las vegas weekly om spelningen :

Tokio Hotel at the House of Blues
The German rockers hit the stage at Mandalay Bay's House of Blues
Known for their crazy hairstyles and extreme outfits, the German band Tokio Hotel
brings their rockin' stage show stateside for a gig at the House of Blues. Fresh off
their MTV Europe award win, they're ready to show America how to rock.

Källa - http://www.lasvegasweekly.com/events/2008/aug/22/2135/


Artikel ifrån Berliner Kurirer, med trovärdigare info än artikeln ifrån Relaxnews
Citat ifrån David Jost bland annat, den är översatt vi Google men jag hoppas
ni förstår innehåller ändå

How strong is their new album
Bill bubbling over from new ideas. It is true rocking.

Norbert Koch-Klaucke

Kreisch! Nix with a vacation by the sea: Tokio hotel dive after their U.S. tour into the studio in order for her new album schuften the beginning of 2009 and still appear to be rock.

For the boys Magdeburg is no time to rest. On their U.S. tour they just bring the kids in America back to circle Chen. And after the MTV Awards ceremony in Los Angeles in September, where they are next to Britney Spears for the best video and nominated as best newcomer, is home and into the studio.

Material for the third TH-album already, there's enough. "Bill has always been going on for months with new song ideas," says her manager David Jost. "Every spare minute to use them to write songs."

Even harder than the previous albums, the panel will have to Tokio hotel. "We will be back on the plate German and English record," says Jost. The German version will be from January to March 2009 appear a little later the English in the United States. Jost: "There are also some German songs sung it."

Christmas should all be ready. Only then may leave Tokio hotel. Jost: "Probably they fly back on any postcard island." The last band spent the holidays in the Maldives.

Källa - http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-kurier/print/nachrichten/230979.html


Bill Kaulitz

Bill Kaulitz picture 2034422 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034416 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034419 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034412 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034415 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034413 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034424 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034410 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034425 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034414Bill Kaulitz picture 2034409 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034420 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034423 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034417 Bill Kaulitz picture 2034421 




Tokio Hotel releases their third album in november 2008.
Publiced on the 25th of July.

Tokio Hotel is practicing in a studio for an album that will be released in november. The group from Berlin, Tokio Hotel, the true phenomenon from the past two years, has returned to the studio for an album that has to be available in november.

The title of the album isn't known yet.

There will be two versions of this new record: a german cd and an english one.

The first song of the album will be played on the radio in October.

In two years, Tokio Hotel has developed to a true phenomenon with their sometimes gothic rock, mystic and androgyny. They furnish proof of that in the charts: millions of concerttickets sold, two albums which were platinum in the majority of the european countries and very loyal fans. The members of the group perfectly incarnate the universe of the youth and are centered in the rockscene. (?)

Because of the huge succes, different labels have launched other german artists like Wir Sind Helden or Killerpilze, they didn't reach the same succes though.

Källa är den franska nyhetsbyrån Relaxnews

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