Video ifrån efterfesten på Comet Awards iår.
Bill & Tom tar emot drinkar ;> Se videon HÄR


Åh herregud, jag trodde att var iallafall LITE mer seriösa än detta.
I den nyaste artikeln om Bill på deras hemsida så söker dem efter en flickvän
eller en tjej som vill kyssa Bill (efter att han sagt i BRAVO intervjun att han inte
hade kysst någon på 3år
) Hela artikeln på är totalt knäpp, och får Bill
att framstå som en idiot.  Artikeln finns att läsa HÄR (på tyska) jag tänker inte
ta mig tid till att översätta den, då den somsagt är väldigt idiotisk.

TOKIO HOTEL, HEADLINER @ MTV EMA släpper infon om de nominerade i EMA på förhand!
Tokio Hotel finns med i Top 5 i kategorin HEADLINER! Mellan den 29 september
och 2 november gäller det nu att rösta, rösta, rösta allt vad vi bara orkar för
att se till att dom vinner!

Källan musicweek samt resten av de nominerade hittar du HÄR


Tokio Hotel var med på E! News som nummer 5 på Daily Top 10!
De visades också en intervju med killarna, som jag inte har sett innan
Intervjun kan du se HÄR



Ifrån röda mattan @ VMA




När det inte finns så mycket nytt att bjuda på . .




Tokio Hotel Worry Their English Isn't 'Cool' But Plan To Translate Next LP Anyway

Fresh from their VMA win, the boys headed back to Germany to work on Scream follow-up.

By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Jennifer Vineyard

Tokio Hotel just won the Best New Artist VMA on the strength of their first English-language album, Scream, and their popularity in the U.S. continues to grow. But though they've been touring in the States and making plenty of public appearances in English all year, the four young Germans say the language barrier is still quite a challenge for them - one they plan to tackle again as they work on their next LP.

"You know it was really hard to do a set, or even to do interviews in English, because in Europe, we always had a translator with us," 19-year-old lead singer Bill Kaulitz said. "I think it's really hard for me ... to sing in English, because it's not my mother tongue. I really wanted it to sound natural [on the album], so it took some time in the studio, and we always wanted to do it this way: first in German, then translate everything into English. The English record is a part of us, and we really wanted to go ahead with that."

Bill explained the difficulties of properly translating German slang. "We translate, or we want to, everything," Kaulitz said. "Of course, our German phrases like, 'big cinema,' it's 'grosses Kino' in German. This red carpet is grosses Kino. It's like, 'beautiful,' 'awesome.' "

But TH are determined to keep on honing their linguistic skills for their follow-up LP. "First, we write German songs, and we translate some to English," guitarist Tom Kaulitz said. "We have always German records and English records. I think that's the best way."

Tom said he worries that because their grasp on the language is so unfamiliar, they come off sounding uncool, or "too grown-up."

"Our vocabulary is just school English, so we have no slang, no cool words," he lamented.

The guys aren't going to let the language barrier get them down as they head back to the studio. "After America, we directly go back to the studio in Germany, and we are still in the creative process of our next record," Bill said. "So we're writing songs, and we'll be recording some stuff. So we have a lot of work, and then we do the new record, yeah. No, we have no ideas [what we might call the album]."

"But it will be a great name and an amazing album," Tom added confidently.


Killarna är i Las Vegas, och efter att ha sett avsnittet vill jag också åka dit!
Föresten så bor Super Mario i Las vegas, visst ni det? haha
Ser verkligen fram emot nästa avsnitt, Photoshoot . . Fashionshoot!

Se avsnittet HÄR


Källan hittar du HÄR



Close up

Artikeln ( MYCKET bra artikel tycker jag själv )
Germany, France, England or the U.S.: No matter where the guys show up - everywhere the same
scenes: fans, who totally freak out, who scream the names Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21),
who can sing the songs along.
Many TH-fans go even further, making clear offers their darlings - for example on gross poster
slogans: "F**k me through the monsoon" or "Tom, we want to give you a blow job" are almost harmless.
In the fifth part of the great BRAVO-series, the boys reveal exclusively what
there's real - between them and the fans.

BRAVO: What are you saying about the partial hard slogans of your fans?
TOM: I think it's cool, that our fans are so directly (grins).
BILL: That makes our fans. But to be honest: Initially, we were sometimes short of breath.

BRAVO: What were the most beautiful experiences so far with your fans?
BILL: The first gig after "Durch den Monsun" was published - and suddenly so many
fans were singing the song along. The concert had even canceled, because the crowd
was too big. This has overwhelmed me!
TOM: Just until we were in Mesico. Once we had about two hours to write autographs.
The fans were so touched, and many have even creid, just because we were there.
It was so gross. We were also previously never in the South American country and
didn't know, that we are so known. And suddenly there were thousands of people.
It was really unbelievable.

BRAVO: Were there once really gross situations with fans?
TOM: Oh yes. In Madrid once the situation was out of control. Gustav went into his hotel room.
But in his bed were already fans. They were fallen Gustav directly around his neck and he
has become so frightened. At Bills and my room were already quite a lot in front of the door.
They have constantly knocked, they climbed up the fire brigade, have totally screamed.
BILL: Then suddenly the police appeared. They have entered the door and drag me out
of the room. "Are you Bill Kaulitz?" they have screamed. Then they took my hands together,
interrogated me and claimed that I was responsible for the cahos. The problem was:
They couldn't speak English, they only spoke Spanish. I hardly understand something.
Tom has then tried to contact our security people. When they arrived, the matter could be resolved.
The police really wanted me to take to their police station.

BRAVO: But here, the fans went too far, or?
BILL: Well, that was traumatic and violent.
TOM: But since we were holding on as a band - then it bothers us really not. That's just a part of
it and makes us not be afraid or so. While it was already gross, but also actually funny again.
But if we are at home, we're glad about tranquility. Then we're not giving autographs and taking photos.
But if we're on the road, we're doing this for sure.

BRAVO: Were you already nasty to your fans?
TOM: So we would never be knowingly nasty to our fans. They are too much important for us.
BILL: We certainly never wanted to do something nasty to them. We love them. But everyone
has a bad day and looks bad. Sometimes we just couldn't give everyone an autograph. Then we're
in stress and must continue to the next appointment. We're constantly on the road for our
fans and we're for sure no assholes.

BRAVO: Hand on the heart - were there also some embarrassing moment with your fans?
TOM: Nope. Only once, a girl wanted to come with me to my hotel room and fall down on the way.
BILL: Or the scene at the airport: There were girls screaming "We want to f**k you" - right
in the dead silence there. That was then embarrassing, but more for them.

BRAVO: Tom, how many groupies did you have had in your bed?
TOM: Hmmm, that's really difficult to say. I don't count.
BILL: Yeah, but he has such a clicker (laughs)!
TOM: What I can say, I had more often a woman in my bed than I was on the toilet (laughs loud).
No, nonsense! Now seriously: I'm even become somewhat quieter.

BRAVO: That means ... ?
TOM: I still don't get it by myself - but perhaps with 19 I already rejected the horns. Not that sex
would become boring. But I also prefer watching a DVD in the evening. The other is indeed very
strenuous (grins). Meanwhile, I could even imagine something stronger. But the girl really would
have to strike me.

BRAVO: And how about the groupies by Georg and Gustav? Are they so wildly like Tom?
TOM: As far as we know, there is nothing (laughs)!
BILL: There are no guys, which represent a girl. Gustav had at the beginning of our career
a girlfriend. But even then was nothing more.
TOM: Georg is doing so as if he were a macho. But he prefers it, when she's offensive.
BILL: Inside, he's dirty but outwardly too shy.
TOM: You have to show him what's happening. There were for sure already some girls, who
liked him and the other way too. But none did the first step. With me it's different - I belong to
the hunters and collectors.

BRAVO: And what about you, Bill - there was still no kiss for you?
BILL: No, not yet. That totally makes me really sad. I'm 19 now and that's missing me
completely. I'd really like to have a girlfriend, with whom I could share my life, whom
 understands everything, what I do. Although I have Tom. But I absolutely want a girlfriend.

BRAVO: But the offer is huge for you?
BILL: It's difficult to open yourself to someone. I have no time, I'm always on the road.
When I meet on a after-show-party girls, I never know what they really want. I also see in
the near future no way - that's bad. But I still have the music, this is my backup. And dogs
are my substitutes. Sometime, I want to have many dogs. They make me happy

Bill är total kärlek :')


Bill's vaxstaty kommer att stå på Madame Tausseu i Berlin
& inte London som det tidigare spekulerats om. Statyn kommer
att komma till museet den 30 september!
( Ännu en anledning att åka till Berlin . . ? )




Coldplay hade konsert i Hamburg den 14 september, och gissa
vilka som var där? Inga mindre än Bill & Tom. Coldplay har länge vart
ett av Bills favoritband, och några fans lyckades filma dem utanför konserten.
( Även Andreas syns på filmerna )

Video 1 kan du se HÄR
( Bill, Tom, Andreas + fler folk utanför arenan)

Video 2 , sämre kvalitet än den första finns HÄR

- - -
Denna texten behöver ni inte läsa för den är egentligen helt oviktig, men
tidigare iår, eller typ för kanske 2 månader sedan så sa jag till min kompis
Erica att vi kunde dra till Hamburg och se Coldplay, eftersom vi då hade
ett bra skäl till att åka dit (till Hamburg) och kunde så samtidigt passa på
att spana i killarna studio. Iallafall, detta blev aldrig av, men när jag sa detta
till Erica så tänkte jag att om TH är i tyskland då kommer Bill att vara på
Coldplay konserten i Hamburg, jag bara kände på mig det, och nu när jag
fick se detta, det var nästan läskigt för jag hade verkligen haft känslan av
det innan. Aja, nog för mig!



Total glädje, VMA 2008.




Tokio Hotel konsert i Anaheim 1 oktober ? ._.
Rykten om att Tokio Hotel snart är tillbaka i USA verkar ju bara bli
mer och mer troligt, om denna infon nu stämmer.
Källan hittar du HÄR



Lite fler bilder ifrån Mexico som jag inte har postat innan.

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