Jag tror den kommer att vara sjukt bra, och det ska bli så
spännande att höra en sneakpeak ifrån när Bill är i studion.
säga det själv, men titta gärna på intervjun ändå. Se den HÄR
TH TV #52
Tom's avsnitt, där han gör smörgåsar! :*
Iallafall så är den filmad av Italienska fans inne på EMA.
Tom sitter och filmar allt hela tiden, och när han ska filma Bill . . haha
ni får se själva, Tom filmar även tjejerna som har filmat denna videon.
Se den HÄR
concerned some fans of the German band Tokio Hotel. The close-ups of their leader Bill Kaulitz
make evident how extremely thin he is and how exhausted he looks. 2008 was not easy;
after Bill's surgery, the band completed some dates they couldn't before and then went after
the American Dream, which meant a lot of promotion and a full agenda, 24 hours a day.
The band, formed back in 2001, has achieved in a relatively short period, what many can't
achieve in a lifetime. However, the lack of a private life and excessive attention to the music career
can take its toll on the boys, sooner or later. Four boys who, from their early teen years, give up their
every day to cash the check of fame, can easily lose touch with reality and lose their own way quickly.
Show business is a circus that does not know what resting means. Today, not being on Tour or not
having a record out is the same as not existing. The management of the German band knows the
rules of the game by heart (one day we will discuss them in depth) and they have chosen not to stop
their engines. It would be interesting not to put fame before health, though. The Show must go on...
but not at any price.
med Tokio Hotel som ett av sina kommande projekt, inte fel i det eller hur?
Men i vanliga fall skriver hon låtar åt Akon, Sean Kingston, Leona Lewis och
Chris Brown, inte någon sorts musik som skulle passa Tokio Hotel precis . .
Jaja, vi får hoppas att det blir något bra av samarbetet och inte ett pop-låt.
( fangrejjset är bara så grymt pinsamt )
kunna köpas på
'You can't see it, because I think I have to be naked,' frontman Bill Kaulitz laughs about his new ink.
When they're not being immortalized in wax or plowing through mountains of Halloween candy, Tokio Hotel are actually busy doing the kinds of things normal bands do: touring, getting tattoos and - most importantly - recording new music.
"We are in the studio, writing songs, and everyone says, 'Oh, that is cool, it sounds good,' but you really want to ... see the fans' reactions," frontman Bill Kaulitz said. "It's hard, because we really want to play the new songs. ... I want to sing them. It's hard to do 'Monsoon' again and again and again. I'm so nervous about the new record, and I want to see all the faces when we play the first song from the new record onstage."
Kaulitz said Tokio Hotel have been working on the follow-up to their massive Scream album in Germany, with the same production team that helmed their worldwide breakout, but the songs they've written and recorded are already veering into uncharted territory.
"We really wanted to try something new. So I think there are a lot of different and new sounds," he explained. "Some songs are very different. We listen to one song and think, 'Maybe we should try different sounds with the vocals and the guitars.' It's a different side of Tokio Hotel."
But no matter how different things may get, Tokio Hotel promise that anything you've read about the album is probably wrong - especially rumors of a cameo by none other than Miley Cyrus. Of course, that doesn't mean the guys aren't opposed to the occasional superstar collaboration.
"Nothing has been fixed in yet. We are thinking about some artists, and they are really surprising artists yet, but it's not fixed in yet," Kaulitz laughed. "We met Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, but that [rumor] is not true. We never thought about that. I think a big dream would be to do something with Aerosmith or someone like that."
Kaulitz said there is no definite timetable for finishing the new record, nor would he come forward with any potential titles for songs, but he did hint at the band getting back on the road sometime early next year to premiere some new songs, so ... infer from that what you will.
"I am really looking forward to the next tour. ... It will be good to go play for the fans, because they inspire us. I want to see their faces," he said. "And I hope we get the chance to play Warped Tour. That would be really nice."
Oh, yeah, and earlier, we mentioned a tattoo. Well, as we're sure you're aware, Kaulitz recently got a new one ... somewhere on his side. But he wouldn't get into specifics about it, because, well -
"It's German words, a lot of German words," he laughed. "You can't see it, because I think I have to be naked."
Somewhere, an army of Tokio Hotel fans gently weep.
Hahaha, detta är det roligaste på länge, hahaha
När Tokio Hotel var Devilish, alltså för länge länge sedan, så hade dom en
hemsida . . och en gästbok, där alla inte skrev snälla saker, här är Bill's
svar till en av personerna, tänk på att Bill bara var 13 år.
Översättningen ;
First off, Hi everyone!
I'm really happy that I finally found the time to come here again. Tomorrow i will also be in the chat.
But now I have to say something about the little fucker Klaus2. Now listen, you spazzed asshole.
Are you that desperate that you have to get your kicks out of stupid fantasies. You are not very well
informed about the band. Care for your own shit and leave us alone. I guarantee you, you will never
find connection in life. I have an idea for you. Go and see a shrink and then we can talk again.
Lots of luck in your further life you poor weenie.
och den 14:e december på Jingle Ball i Camden.
Del 3 hittar du HÄR och del 4 HÄR
I del 3 när dom pratar om Tom's ärr på kinden, det är så sött
att jag snart har sett det 50 gånger tror jag, sött sött sött!
Och när dom pratar om barn, åhh. Kan man verkligen få nog
av sötisarna!
I del 4 i slutet när Bill smakar på godisråttan , hihi
( så nu fick jag skriva av mig lite, haha )
I den HÄR videon säger journalisten till honom att han ser ut att
behöva något att äta, Bill svar ;
Eat something? yeah,but I am so anorexic, all I do all day every day is puke I can hardly keep anything down.
Tom and I have a really bad case of boulemia and it is so hard to keep any food in, but I really do try!
Hoppas alla förstog sarkasmen, haha
Första bilden ; ser ni vad Tom ser ut som Bill? Han har blivit mycket smalare i ansiktet.
De andra 3 bilderna, herregud jag kan inte fatta att jag såg det i verkligheten .__.