Tokiohotel.com bilderna igen, nu i HQ!!



- Gå fortare Tom! :*


Idag var det förhandsvisning i Paris av den nya TH Dvdn, Caught on Camera.
Det var dock bara 1:a Dvdn som visades, här kommer en recension ifrån
Cara på THA som var där. Värd att läsas, väldigt VÄLDIGT rolig!
1 - NRJ Awards part : Bill yelled of horror because he found himself awfully fat. Start to tell something about a phasis when he spends his time eating. Georg laughed and said "yeah it was his 7 sausages phasis" and Bill added that he spent his time eating sausages but fortunately he only got fat in the cheeks... Yeah righ Billy... LOL
1 Bis : Actually it starts by Bercy, i've just remembered, sorry ! Can't remember this part...
2- Bill mocked Gustav because he found him fat... Gustav is upset and all the others are telling like Bill and Gustav is like "but i'm just 90kg and then Bill nearly passed out, he makes his speacial high voice and said "OMG but it's too much for your height" :rotfl: Poor Gusti...
3- There's a big part about the EMA 2007 and a famous Bill's quote : "Okay being wet doesn't suit you all but ME look that i'm the most beautiful"
AND the twin fight of the DVD about who got the water's idea : i've laughed so hard you got no idea, it's priceless !
4 Montréal and Toronto when Tom said he made like he was loving the tower but he couldn't care less... Then LA and the story of the fan jumping on stage and an other twin fight with Tom saying the fan was for him and Bill saying no it was for me... Oh yeah and Tom was really scared and said "okay Georg touch my heart, i think i'm gonna die" :rotfl:
5 - Climbing with the G's : Bill spent his time laughing at the guys... I don't really get one part where they say that Georg on the most difficuly climb was tricked by the tv guy... It's a really funny part because Bill is so bitchy...
6 - New York, Filmore and Monsun
7 - Karting : Gustav is a dangerous driver (ah ah we know now), Georg was pissed to lose and you got our Bill explaining hos he and Tom have always been the best at that...
8- NY again and a funny part where Bill explained his plan to avoid to do the itw in english "oh god my throat, my surgery!" but he said he never get the chance to try it.
9 'Comet with Bill "OMG i'm so beautiful here, look that, i love that outfit so much" and the others "nah that was shameful" and Georg "nah he was nice
Oh yeah and here we learn that Tom was totally drunk before the last prize, Bill has to answer all the interviews because Tom couldn't make a sentence. And we got a really cute Bill's blurp....
7 - LA for hot topic. No Bill's ass so disappointment... Bill's in shock because he notices he got no make up on LOL
8 - The favorite epi of Bill : interview in the sky. But here they explain that Georg was mad at them because he was filmed while sleeping and that it's the same in tourbus he really doesn't like that. And Georg while commenting was not laughing... Bill said on the last DVD he found himself ugly when no make up but didn't make a fuss whereas Georg...
9 - Lisbon : Bill's orgasm while watching himself with sunglasses on stage : "OMG look at that, wow !"

10 - THE FUNNIEST PART : Paris for PDP and Bill all whining because he spent an awful night... Too warm in the room so he opened the window but was awaken at 7 am by mosquitos. And then he's imitating the mosquitos noise :rotfl: and i've cried while laughing :rotfl: He did again while commenting this part and all the others are laughing at him. And he's all like "come one i was bitten all over my body and face ! I'm allergic bla bla" And Gustav tell him to shut up ! Awesome mosquito. Nearly as good as jumbie :rotfl: Oh yeah and Bill telling that he got to hospital when he was kid because he was bitten in the ear and that he could have lost his ear and Georg said "okay now everyone knows you got a fake ear" LOL
11 - Shopping with Bill : the others are mad at him because he brought back disgusting stuff ! CUTEST PART EVER : Bill lining and there's a mum and baby before and he's watching the little one, then tv guy asks him "yu like the children" and Bill makes the cutest face and says yes addidng "look at his little cutie hands" AWWWWW An other twin fight about vegetables with Bill yelling at Tom because he has eatin brocolis and Bill said "How could you do that big pig LOL, Me i've pucked in mum's plate when we were kids and when she tried to make me eat it LOL"
12 - Modena with Tom goingto Bill : "okay so if now yuo could start to learn to sing, it'll be greater again" :rotfl:
13 - Genf : private party with Bill is cut. We got a look at his dressing but only for bling and there he got all sarcastic about wanting to play naked but people would run away because he's dreadful...
14 - Werchter : private plane and the guys all happy to ear that the pilot found them nice LOL
15 - Signing at Mexico
16 VMA : Bill is really moved while watching, so cute.
17 - END with Bill advising everyione again to only eat junk food


Ny videointervju med killarna. Gjord samma dag som fanpartyt.

Interviewer: Welcome to the breitside of life.
You all know about the VIVA adventscalender
and we need a few very special items to add to that.
Ofcourse not just from anybody but from Tokio Hotel.
Bill: very good.
Tom: the best band in the world.
Interviewer: exactly. We would like you to sign this
wonderful guitar. Of who would you like to have a guitar?
Tom: personally I would like one of Tom Kaulitz.
Bill: yes, me too, that would be awesome.
Georg: that would be cool.
Tom: I think he is one of the best guitar players in
the entire world.
Bill: Yeah, he is not bad, I agree.
Tom: He plays awesome, looks very good.
Unfortunately he is getting more attention
because of his body but that is another subject.
Interviewer: That is clear.
Bill: Very good.
Interviewer: Thank you.


"Yesterday was a very big day for Tokio Hotel AND the fans! More than 600 Tokio Hotel fans
from over 25 nations celebrated the gigantic Tokio Hotel "Video Music Award" Fan Party!

Tokio Hotel; Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav really enjoyed the event to wanted to THANK everyone for
coming and making this such an awesome and unique night.

Yesterday, the night right after the huge party, Bill said that it was pretty incredible to see so many fans
from all over the world celebrating together - in ONE spot. It was a beautiful moment for Bill.
He also mentions that they were totally blown away and did not expect to see so many different nationalities!"


Nu finns det bilder på tokiohotel.com ifrån fanpartyt!




"Wir hören nie auf zu schreien, Wir kehren zum ursprung züruck"

Omg, jag tror jag dog.

Edit - Jaha, okej jag kanske ska ta och förklara mig varför jag valde
att posta bilden. Jag brukar vara noga med att inte posta privata/stalker
bilder på killarna på bloggen. Först och främst, ja det är Bill på bilden.
Bilden har läckt via tatueringsstudion's hemsida (borttagen nu) där
den har publicerats, med eller utan Bill's tillstånd.
Alla stora bloggar har redan denna bilden, så jag anser att skadan är
redan skedd, många har redan sett den, och jag tror inte att jag gör det
så jättemycket värre, eftersom jag ändå inte ha en så stor mängd läsare.
Men visst, ni får tycka att det är fel av mig att posta den, och det kan hända
att jag ångrar mig och tar bort den, men just nu får den vara kvar.


Hihi, inte dagens bild utan dagens videos, Bill låtsasrappar :*
så sött!

och gustav dansar!


Ett tjeckiskt fan ska ha råkat ut för en hemsk bilkrash påväg till Hamburg igår.

That girl had to have meet her friend from Hamburg (or Berlin I dunno know) who won tickets. But on the way she had car-accident. There was lots of blood and everything. It is not good with that girl. She is in koma and fight about life. That girl from Germany who had to go with her was really bad on it and even didn't go on party
- - -
Unfortunatley a fan from Czech Republic had an accident while driving to Hamburg, was brought into hospital in Berlin, fighting to survive. :(
Apparently the weather is bad...rainy and foggy.

Hoppas hon klarar sig <3


Fotade av Linda.






- Nu sticker jag för idag, tar ikapp allt annat i morgon förmiddag.
Hoppas ni gillar allt hittils, puss :*

21.27 - Nathalie är tillsammans med dem, när Bill inte pratar med Tom pratar
han med henne, det är ca 10 vakter mellan dem & fansen.
21.24 - Killarna pratar inte med fansen, närmaste fansen är ca 3 meter ifrån dem.
21.19 - Gustav är inte där längre.
21.13 - Musiken är väldigt hög, vissa fans är totalt galna och gör
vad som helst för att få TH's uppmärksamthet, Bill&Tom pratar
fortfarande med varandra.
21.10 - Flera fans har ställt sig på stängslet som är omkring där
TH sitter, så ingen kan se någonting längre.
21.08 - Dem kastar ut t-shirts m.m i publiken, Bill&Tom pratar mest
med varandra.
21.05 - Enligt en holländsk tjej ska Tom ha sagt att de 3 första
tjejerna som strippar får ta bilder tillsammans med killarna, en
hel hög tjejerna står på scenen just nu . .
21.00 - Säkerhetsvakterna gör vad dom ska . . trots att dom verkar
chockade över kaoset.
20.49 - Extremt mycket tryck, folk trycks ihop mellan varandra i luften.
Iallafall 50 personer har svimmat.
20.47 - Gustav dansar/hoppas runt (whaaat) klappar händerna för
att få igång fansen m.m Fansen blir totalt crazynuts.
20.45 - Fotograferingen sker bakom en stor gardin, MASSOR av fans
har svimmat .__.
20.43 - Killarna tar kort med fansen nu.
20.42 - Kaos, kaos, kaos, flera fans svimmar.
20.40 - Priserna som lottades ut var Nintendo Wii.
20.38 - Fortf på bottenvåningen alla fans stenglor på dem och tar
kort i princip oavbrutet.
20.34 - Många av fansen är CRAAAZY just nu, killarna är fortfarande
på bottenvåningen. Moshpit varning.
20.32 - Killarna sitter nu i den "avstängda" sektionen på bottenvåningen
i princip alla fans står trycka runt omkring, och många kan inte se
någonting alls.
20.30 - TH var nyss nere på bottenvåningen bland fansen och delade
ut pris, som lottades ut.
20.25 - Något är pågång ;-) Klubbpersonalen sågs komma gående
med 100tals små vita pappersbitar, några tror att dom kommer lotta ut
saker då alla fans har fått armband med olika nummer vid insläppet.
20.20 - THTV är där, samt en mängd andra journalister
20.00 - Dom spelar Katy Perry musik, hehe
19.55 - Ett hörn av klubben på nedervåningen är avstängt och de flesta
tror att killarna kommer att sitta där sedan.
19.45 - Säkerhetsvakterna säger att killarna själv bestämmer vart
de vill vara på partyt (alltså de kan gå ner bland fansen om de vill)
Just nu sitter de på "övervåningen" och kan se ner till alla fans som
19.30 - Signeringen är över, fans dansar med varandra just nu.
19.21 - Kameror är tillåtna och det bjuds tydligen på öl.
19.20 - Okej, nu sägs det att det ändå har släppts in några fans
utan biljetter , hm ._. stalkerfans dessutom, oh great.
19.10 - Tom har keps.
19.05 - Edit om Bill's kläder, svart t-shirt med metallsaker på framsidan
Tom har en vit (!!!) adidasjacka!
19.00 - Bill har inte klippt håret och han har det uppfluffat! Svart jacka
och svart t-shirt med vitt tryck.
18.50 - TH Dvdn visas på en storbildskärm, DEN NYA DVDN!!!
18.45 - signeringen är i entren till baren i ett rött rum, Tom har på sig
sexiga kläder (haha) hur ska man tolka det då.
18.40 - Italienska fans frågade en av vakterna vad som skulle hända
när signeringen var slut, och vakten svarade att han inte fick berätta . .
suprise, kanske.
18.30 - Signeringen kommer hålla på ett tag nu framöver
18.25 - Fansen bjuds på Red Bull :'D Haha
18.21 - Killarna kommer senare att ha ett framträdande!!!, vet ej hur
många låtar det blir . .
18.20 - Signering pågår förfullt!
18.17 - weeeho! TH i sikte! fansen kan se dem just nu!
18.15 - Tyska fanklubben hade fel, och fans utan biljetter kommer inte
att släppas in, så endast 300st kommer att vara på fanpartyt.
18.05 - 4st av våra kära svenskar är inne!
18.00 - Massa skrik inne i H (kan man förvänta sig annat) De flesta fansen
är inne nu.
17.55 - Ett rykte säger att det redan finns paparazzibilder på killarna
från inne i Hünherposten, inga bilder har sett ännu dock . .
17.50 - Rörigt , säkerhetsvakterna skriker åt folk på tyska . . och ja
alla förstår inte tyska.
17.40 - Väldigt ordentliga biljettkontroller efter att vissa fans försökt
komma in med falska biljetter :/ I biljettkontroll i "ytterdörren" och
sedan ytterligare en till . .
17.32 - Bill har på sig svarta kläder
17.30 - Fortfarande massor som inte kommit in ännu, Bill har en ny frisyr(?)
det ryktas om att han har kortare hår än förut!
17.15 - Extremt dåligt organiserat vid insläppet, ingen riktig kö, och det
går segt . .
Folk ifrån Tyska fanklubben säger att folk utan biljetter har släppt in då
endast 300 av biljettvinnarna kunde komma på fanpartyt.

ca 16-17.00 - Fight mellan tyska och franska fans, kaos utanför H
ca 15.00 - Ungefär 200 fans är utanför H just nu.

Video från Hünherposten (dock tidigare på dagen, inte under fanpartyt)

Från ett fan som är i hamburg just nu ;
It`s cry crazy and completely out of control here in Hamburg
Fans are not in front of club. Fans without ticket just go to their home! It`s 3 am now here.
Before midnight there were cars with fans in front of their villa and the police came!
10 minutes after police`s intervention twins left their home.

One girl said she will break a window if she has to to get in.

De riktiga "stalker" fansen är i Hamburg, frågan är om man kunde väntat sig något annat :(

Jag kommer att uppdatera om fanpartyt hela kvällen!



HQ Bilder, jag älskar Bills solglasögon!


Oh my . .




What's a typical day on the road like for you guys?
Bill: We wake up on the tour bus, and when we arrive at the hotel we have some breakfast, change clothes and take a shower and stuff. Then we go to the venue and do the sound check and interviews [before the show]. [After the show], it's back to the hotel, get all of the 10 bags together, pack up and get back on the bus and that's it.

Is it difficult to sleep on the bus?
Georg: Yeah, because we always switch of the air conditioning for Bill's voice (it can make him sound hoarse). So it's very hot inside.

Does anybody snore?
Not really...Gustav, sometimes!

Do you do anything before a show for good luck?
Tom: We just gather in a backstage room for a half hour before the show.

What's the best way for a fan to get your attention at a concert?
I really like to see the big signs and posters with cool phrases.

What's the funniest thing you've seen on a sign?
Bill: One of them asked me to marry her. There was a fan in Chicago who asked Tom to sign an autograph and said to write, "For my dream girl." She said, "You don't know it yet, but I'm your dream girl." That was really funny.

What's the best concert you've ever been too?
Bill: I think it was my first concert, which was Nena, a German singer. I think that was the best concert.
Tom: I listen to a lot of German hip-hop, so you probably wouldn't know the artists.
Gustav: My best one was Metallica in 2006. They played all of the old songs plus the new stuff, so it was just perfect.
Tom: for Georg it would probably be David Hasselhoff!
Georg: Maybe. There are a couple of shows of David Hasselhoff's that are pretty good. I like the dancing more than his voice.

Are you guys really all fans of David Hasselhoff?
Georg: Yes!
Tom: We don't really like David Hasselhoff, but, Georg is a really big fan.

Have you ever had a chance to meet him?
Georg: Not yet.
Tom: hopefully in the future!



Jag vet att den är liten ._. är på jakt efter HQ versionen.
Bilden är ifrån februari, Canada.



Tokio Hotel sågs på Club Raven, fredag 21/11.

Stir in Rotherbaum: The band Tokio Hotel drank some cocktails on friday evening, in the new bar 'Raven' - and ensured for excited fans at the door. From 10 p.m. the group around the twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz celebrated in the lounge of the new scene club before they disappeared again - shielded by bodyguards - at 0:37. For the third time within a few weeks, Tokio Hotel were at the 'Raven', which opened just on the 24th of October and was just officially inaugurated on Thursday. "The guys are very nice and restrained. Therefore, we are very strict, so they don't get disturbed by fans," says Behrous Moaiyeri (38), the operator of the 'Raven', together with his brothers Bahman (42) and Bahram (48). 



Tokio Hotel Fans Interview the Kaulitz Twins on Dreams, School, Fame and 'Scream'
( Intervjun kommer ifrån buzznet.com )

Buzznet: During the song 'Scream' on the album - Bill you hold out the last note of the song for a very long time, however you don't do that live. Is there any reason for this? Maybe pertaining to your recent surgery?

Bill Kaulitz: (laughing): No, don't worry. Everything went great after my surgery and my voice is totally o.k.. The live version of 'Scream' is just different then the album version.

Xblanksface: A priest, a rabbi, and a monkey walk into a bar...who survives the ensuing knife fight?

Tom Kaulitz: We don't know - you tell us!

Blue52: Bill you're known for having a great presence on stage. What advice do you have for your musician fans who want to communicate with an audience better?

Bill Kaulitz: That's a hard one. I'm just myself when I walk on stage. I'm always so excited when I go out on stage. I can't wait to see the audience. It's like a blind date every time. So I try to really see and meet everyone. I don't want to miss out anyone and try to enjoy every second.

Linahotel: This is for the twins: Do you boys think the same thing often? When one of you gets hurt does the other one feels the pain? Cause I have a twin sister and that happens all the time.

Bill Kaulitz (laughing): We know what you mean. We always know what the other one is thinking and feeling.
Tom Kaulitz: Yeah, cause we can feel it as well.
Bill Kaulitz: Sometimes we even dream the same dream in the same night.

Blackkat: What would you like your fans to know about you that he never got the chance to say?

Tom Kaulitz (laughing): All we say is: silent waters are deep - very deep... ;)

Starbreeze: If you could hang out with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?

Tom Kaulitz: Jessica Alba or Angelina Jolie ... Or both ... ;)

Jtmbrendon: Which song makes you cry?

Bill Kaulitz: For me it's not a specific song, it's more about the mood I am in. And then it can be everything - the music or a line or just the whole song.

Xxnialovesthxx: What is one thing that you dislike about yourself, physically or personality wise?

Tom Kaulitz (smiling): I am actually pretty happy with myself ...
Bill Kaulitz: I'm not very patient, that could be something I would like to change.

Skwdrw103182: Have you ever thought that you found someone in a crowd at a show that you wanted to get to know, but lost her in the crowd after the concert?

Tom Kaulitz (smiling): I always say: Never say never ...
Bill Kaulitz: Yeah, but so far it hasn't happen to me. But who knows.

Cashicute12: Are you thinking of having a family and raise kids one day?

Bill Kaulitz: Tom is gonna be the first of us who will settle down, get married and having at least four kids ...
Tom Kaulitz: Right ...
Bill Kaulitz: But honestly, we are still so young and all that counts at the moment is Tokio Hotel and our music. But unlike Tom I really do believe in true love. I think that there's the right person for everyone - somewhere. Some of us are lucky and find that person, and some don't.

Farfora: What was the worst punishment you ever received at school? Did you get in trouble a lot?

Bill Kaulitz: Tom and I hated school. It was really the worst time of our live ...
Tom Kaulitz: Definitley. And the worst punishment was when the Bill and me got separated at school cause the teacher couldn't handle the two of us.

Dpl33: If they made a movie about Tokio Hotel, who would you want to play you in the movie?

Bill Kaulitz (laughing): I think it would be absolutely awesome if we could play us!

Ohiougirl2018: With all of your recent success it would be easy to loose touch with your old friends. Are you still friends with the same people you were friends with before you were famous? Do they still treat you the same?

Bill Kaulitz: Our friends and families are very important to us and all of us spent time with them whenever we are home.
Tom Kaulitz: Yeah, we are all still friends with our old friends, I mean our close friends. Of course we lost touch to a couple of people, but not our closest and oldest friends.

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