Buzzworthy: Bill, everyone wants to know what's up with your new tattoo? Can you show it to us?
Bill: I can't show the tattoo because it's very huge, and I have to take off all my clothes, but I can say I have German words. But I don't wanna tell the story about. Maybe a little bit later. But it's a huge tattoo, and... I don't know. I think I was at the tattoo studio for four hours. (In Germany.) And it hurts a lot.
Tom: And in German it means ‘Tom is my idol.'
Buzzworthy: Lots of fans are talking about the rumor that you're going to be collaborating Miley Cyrus. Is that true?
Tom: Yeah we heard that. It's not true.
Bill: Yeah no. Nothing is planned. We just met her at the VMAs, and she's very cool, but no. There's no duet or something planned.
Vi blir ju inte mindre nyfikna eller hur?
Källan är MTV Buzzworthy
Bill: I can't show the tattoo because it's very huge, and I have to take off all my clothes, but I can say I have German words. But I don't wanna tell the story about. Maybe a little bit later. But it's a huge tattoo, and... I don't know. I think I was at the tattoo studio for four hours. (In Germany.) And it hurts a lot.
Tom: And in German it means ‘Tom is my idol.'
Buzzworthy: Lots of fans are talking about the rumor that you're going to be collaborating Miley Cyrus. Is that true?
Tom: Yeah we heard that. It's not true.
Bill: Yeah no. Nothing is planned. We just met her at the VMAs, and she's very cool, but no. There's no duet or something planned.
Vi blir ju inte mindre nyfikna eller hur?
Källan är MTV Buzzworthy
Postat av: Söderlund
Idol 2008 i Sverige är som ni alla vet i full gång och nu snackas det Idol i Söderlunds blogg. Kevin Borg är den enda rätta vinnaren enligt honom och det finns ingen annan i startfältet som når upp i hans kapacitet. Hur tycker och tänker alla andra, frågar man sig såklart.
Vem tycker just du är bäst, och vem vill du se som den slutliga vinnaren? Kanske har du som Söderlund Kevin som din favorit, eller har du möjligen en helt annan uppfattning?
Ta chansen att ge just din mening i ämnet i en av de absolut snabbast växande bloggarna just nu. Stort tack på förhand. Att/Om du gillar bloggen, betyder massor.
Postat av: Ellen
ha en trevlig kväll ! :)