
Looking for the roots of Tokio Hotel: part 2

The internet is full of rumours and most of the Tokio Hotel-haters say it: "Bill is gay!" "Absolutely not true", says one of Bill's childhood friends, Christian. "I'm telling you, it's really NOT true."

Text under picture of Christian:
Childhood friend Christian tells his story...
"Bill is certainly not gay!" (*)
(*) "I saw him kiss way too many girls."

We paid a visit to bar Alex in Magdeburg (you could already read this in our previous issue). While looking for Tokio Hotel, we got to meet Christian Reinhold. At first he didn't really want to talk to us, but when he heard why we were there, he himself came to us. "Ask me whatever you want!"

How do you know Bill?
"I've know Bill & Tom for 14 years now, I think. We went to primary school together, but I wasn't in the same class as them, because I'm older. Afterwards they went to High School, but unfortunately I wasn't smart enough for that. (laughs)"

So you didn't see them anymore after that?
"We saw each other almost every day at the skate park here in Magdeburg. A lot of young people hang out together at that place and the Kaulitz brothers were always there. We've spent countless hours there, skateboarding and stuff."

Were Bill & Tom good skateboarders?
(laughs) "To be honest? Not really. They were nothing compared to me, I must say." (laughs playfully)

But what did they do there then?
"What do you think? Making music of course. While we were skating, Tom was always sitting on this big rock by the river Elbe. He practiced playing his guitar and made songs. Bill on the other hand, was always singing. Very nice, even though it wasn't really my kind of music. At least it was never quiet."

Did everyone back then think they were cool?
"Way cooler than now, to be honest. They don't live here anymore now. Bill & Tom are renting this big apartment together in Hamburg!"

How was their hair in those days?
"Bill's hair was a lot shorter. Tom has had dreads since forever; at least it looks like that."

Do they still come to bar Alex?
"No, now they're famous it's almost impossible. I must say: they are always nice to their fans, but when they walk in here, all hell breaks loose. They can't just come in and drink something in peace, but I think they can't do that anywhere anymore. They are leading a strange life, don't you think? Everything little thing they do, gets blown up. When they get drunk, it's in the newspaper the next day."

Have you ever seen them drunk?
"No, we don't serve alcohol to minors. So they haven't been drunk here."

What did Bill drink here if it wasn't alcohol?
"Bill's regular drink is a Green Vanilla Shake. He drinks that all the time. I'll make you one!"

Cheers, Christian! And finally, you know the rumours and the eternal question. Is Bill gay or not?
"(laughs) I knew you were going to ask that. But believe me, he's not gay. Bill may have a special taste in clothes but that doesn't mean he's gay. Er is nicht schwul! I saw him kiss way too many girls on the bench at the skate park. And believe me, we were there all the time!"
We believe you! Thanks Christian!

Win a cocktail Bill Kaulitz for you and your friends!
Admit it, wouldn't it be great to serve your friends a real cocktail Bill Kaulitz or a Green Vanilla Shake while watching a movie or while having a birthday party?
We couldn't think of anything cooler and that's why we are giving away 5 bottles of the secret ingredient that you can only get in Germany. Now you can make your own delicious, authentic and non-alcoholic cocktail like Bill always drinks at bar Alex! Cheers, ladies!

The recipe
- Requirements
5 cl of Waldmeister Geschmack (You can only get it in Germany and with us at Joepie), 20 cl of Vanilla Milk Shake, 4 big scoops of vanilla ice-cream, 40 cl of milk, 1 package of vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Mix everything together (except the Milk Shake) until you get a nice foam. Pour the 5 cl of Waldmeister Geschmack in the glass. Then put in your mixture and finally the 20 cl of Vanilla Milk Shake.

Serve with a straw or a little spatula to mix the green substance with the rest of your shake.

In Georg's favourite bar
Bar girl Olena Vankouska: "Recently they were all here to grab a bite to eat!"

You won't find the band in bar Alex at the Ulrichplatz in Magdeburg anymore, because it's way too crowded. But where they still come is bar Liebig at the Hasselbacherplatz.
"Of course the boys of Tokio Hotel still come here." says Olena. "They come here often to eat something with the band or with friends. You would be amazed how much the people that come here love them. All the regulars know the guys. But this still is Georg's favourite bar." And we soon find out why. They walls are full of half naked women and this tavern turn into a lounge bar at night. But what we want to know: does Olena serve the boys herself? "Sometimes, but it shouldn't come as a surprise that my 20-year old daughter often beats me to it. When Tokio Hotel comes in here, she's at their table almost immediately. She's a big fan." Has her lovely daughter already kissed one of the boys? "No, that hasn't happened yet." They boys didn't get any alcohol in bar Alex, but what about bar Liebig? "They can drink alcohol here," whispers Olena. "Marino Bianco, to be exact. They all love that." To wrap it up, we also ask Olena THE question. "Bill looks a bit feminine. But I don't think he's gay." She ends her answer with a wink.

Acquaintance Thomas Jentsch
"Very nice guys"
"Actually I should say they are all nice guys," says Thomas. "When they come in here, you immediately notice how popular they are. They have lots of friends here at the bar and they don't act arrogant at all. Therefore, really cool boys."

Joepie-editor Stijn finds Tokio Hotel
After Loitsche, Magdeburg and Wolmirstedt: the meeting!

"Tell the Joepie-readers that we like them very much!"
]After my search through Loitsche, Magdeburg and Wolmirstedt I would have loved to meet the boys to tell them about my experiences. Difficult, it seemed...

Okay, their bars were fun, the school was closed and in their street no one wanted to talk to me. (See previous part of the article.) Until I saw their European agenda when I wanted to drive home. "The boys are playing in Paris tonight?" Magdeburg-Paris: 937 kilometres. (582, 22 miles) It's possible in one long, nightly drive. I decide to go for it, while I'm on the phone non stop. In the early morning when I arrive in Paris, THE phone call comes. "The boys would love to meet you!" I'm so relieved.

The Joepie-readers
A few hours, a lot of coffee and 5 downpours later, it's finally time. In the basement of Paris' Stade de Bercy, I wait for the heroes. In my hands, a little pre-made text: "For all the Joepie-readers" and a marker. "Don't worry about the marker", says the girl of the record company. "Bill and the others have like 5 markers in each pocket. They are used to giving autographs all the time." A few minutes later the boys come in. Bill with his lion mane, Tom with his cool attitude that could make July a winter month, Georg with a rock attitude and Gustav with a raging look in his eyes, but with a cute smile on his face. They recognize me from our previous meetings and the atmosphere is gemütlich (comfortable). I tell them about the message I left in the bus stop at Loitsche and they almost don't believe it when I tell them their friend Christian says hello. My picture with the guys is quickly taken and a little bit later Bill copies my little Dutch text. They all put their autograph under it. (Which will also be on a poster in this magazine next week.) Then we say goodbye, but just before I leave, Bill takes my arm and says: "Tell the Joepie-readers we love all the support they give us. And the concert this summer will be a blast." Then he shakes my hand. Could I have known that right then a really hard time was about to start for him. "Bye Bill", see you soon. Bill smiles, Tom nods. Outside the wind is blowing and a monsoon is raining over Paris.


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