Vi längtar verkligen till nästa veckas TH TV ;




Ifrån gårdagens intervju och akustiska spelning på Radio Q102




HÄR kan du se videon där Bill säger att han har en ny
tatuering! Hela Bill spricker upp i världens största smile
när dom frågar, sött!

Sen den nu!
- - -
Folk frågade Bill senare igen om han kunde visa tatueringen, svaret ;
"Noooo, I'd have to take my pants down to show you all of it."


Bill konfimerade nyss att han har en NY TATUERING!
På radiostationen QI02. Han sa också att den var stor och att
den tog 4 timmar att göra.

Video på Bill när han säger det finns, kommer senare



Påväg till (eller från) signeringen i Atlanta.



Haha, förlåt men jag var så tvungen att ha den som dagens bild ;>


En tjej frågade Bill på gårdagens signering om han hade en ny tatuering ;

- I TOTALLY asked Bill if he had a new tattoo and he was like maaayyybe
with a huge ass grin on his face!  He is such a terrible lier he got a new one.
La sigh. I looove those boys.

Okej, nu är det väl bara ett "riktigt" bildbevis som fattas, haha




Tokio Hotel hade ju en skivsignering igår eftermiddag i Wilkes-Barre i PA.
Fler personer som var på signeringen och som sedan åkte samma väg
därifrån med killarnas turnebuss säger att Tom & Georg i princip hängde ut
genom det främsta fönstret i bussen och kastade skittles (?) på bilar som
körde förbi.

Låter helskumt tycker jag, och jag tror nog inte på det föränns jag ser bevis, haha


Jag kommer att dra vinnaren i läsartävlingen på söndag 2/11
Så ni vet ;-)


Åldersgräns ; 16år. Startar kl 17.00 , slutar kl 23.00
Endast  270st vinnare kommer att utses, varje vinnare får ta med sig 1 till person.
De första vinnarna kommer att utses IMORGON

Var med och tävla, HÄR eller HÄR

Från sidan ;
As a gigantic THANK YOU for your unbelievable support at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles the band decided to host a wicked party for their fans in Hamburg, Germany!

All 540 exclusive tickets will be given out to you guys via this page and here is how you can get your hands on two of these precious tickets:

Register from 19:15 UTC (GMT) until 18:30 UTC the following day. From all participants we will pick 10 lucky winners who will receive 2 tickets to this ultra cool Tokio Hotel Fan Party! Winners will be picked from October 29th to November 24th - each day at 19:00 UTC! 10x2 tickets - 27 days long - NEW DRAW EVERY DAY!

Here are the rules for this contest - please read CAREFULLY:

Only one registration is allowed per user and per day - users registering more than once a day will be excluded from the respective drawing!

IMPORTANT: All the contact information you fill in while registering will be included automatically on your personal ticket in case you are picked as a winner. On the night of the fan party, only the winners will receive access to the fan party whose contact information on their passport matches 100% with the information that is on the personal ticket.

Due to legal aspects this contest is only open to fans who are 16 years or older on the day of the fan party (November 30th 08).




3 timmar & 55 minuter, så långt tid är det kvar exakt.
Då får vi veta vart & när Tokio Hotel's fanparty kommer att ta plats.


3:e slutsålda spelningen irad, igår kväll i Columbus.

Rescue Me , HÄR
Live every second , HÄR
Indroducing Love is dead , HÄR
1000 ocenans, HÄR
Final Day, HÄR
Break Away, HÄR

^ Kvaliteten är superbra!


Söt, sötare!


Dags för ett nytt rykte . .

Bill har en ny tatuering ;
Den ska sitta på motsatt sida mot hans stjärntatuering och ett flertal
personer som stog längst fram på Atlanta konserten säger att dem
har sett den! Den ska ha vart helt i svart och ha samma snirkliga
struktur som hans freiheit tatuering. Han ska också ha försökt dölja
den genom att hålla armen lite för hela tiden.

Vad tror ni?
( än så länge finns bara väldigt suddiga bilder , så det är svårt att avgöra )
Bästa bilden hittils nedanför


Bilder igår gårdagens spelningen på klubben The Tabernacle i Atlanta.
Spelningen var slutsåld.



Hamburg - The next album of the globally successful German band Tokio Hotel will appear next spring. Said the manager David Jost. The third album is expected in March or April to be published - in fact for the same time worldwide. Tokio Hotel are currently touring the United States. Yesterday evening the band played a completely sold-out concert in Orlando in the state of Florida.

Källan - HÄR



Durch den Monsun , HÄR
Love is dead, HÄR
By your side, HÄR
Rescue Me, HÄR
Raise your hands, HÄR
Break Away, HÄR


På konserten igår kväll i Orlando sa Bill till publiken - Ses nästa Juni!
Okej . . alltså bör det dröja ett långt tag innan dem är tillbaka i USA sen
igen, eller?


Igår kväll var Tokio Hotel första spelningen för denna mini-touren
Bilder ifrån House of Blues, Orlando ( Bill har ändrat sin make-up, interesting )

Alla bilder ;




Nu händer det saker :-D Det finns nu en egen sida för Tokio Hotels fanparty!
Biljetterna till fanpartyt kommer att lottas ut i en tävling som startar den 28 oktober,
alltså om 5 dagar.

Från sidan ;
This Contest WILL BE open to fans worldwide!
More fanparty + contest details coming soon!

Länk till sidan hittar du HÄR


Hej alla :-D tänkte bara tacka för alla fina kommentarer jag får, även
om jag är sämst på att svara jag vet, men verkligen TACK! så över till
det jag egentligen tänkte skriva om , det är dags för ;

Tävlingen är väldigt enkel
- för att delta så kommenterar du detta inlägget, skriv jag vill vara med + din mail.
- Det enda du behöver göra är att reklama mig blogg, du kan länka den om du
har en egen blogg, eller skicka adressen till andra TH fans
- Priset då, senaste numret av tidningen POPCORN som innehåller en megaposter
med Tokio Hotel
, skitsnygg!
- Jag kommer att dra vinnaren genom lottning

Tävlingen avgörs om 1 vecka :*


Måste bara säga - GO TOM! Han börjar skippa kepsen mer och mer, like it!
Bilder & Videos ifrån skivsigneringen på Cactus Records i Houston igår eftermiddag.

Minns ni dom 3 stolarna? Till slut dök det tydligen upp en 4:e, men det dröjde

En video finns att se HÄR


Ifrån igår @ Hot Hits, Houston


Jag vet inte om detta stämmer, så döda mig inte om det inte gör det, tack :*

Ryktet är iallafall att info om TH's Fanparty kommer att komma ut på
www.tokiohotel.com under det närmaste dygnet! Jag hoppas att det stämmer.


Har en sak att säga först ; MÅSTE HA DENNA DVDN!

The new DVD will be available in the following three versions:
Version 1 - Standard:
DVD 1: History - The very best of Tokio Hotel TV
+ 8-page booklet

Version 2 - Deluxe:
DVD 1: History - The very best of Tokio Hotel TV
+ DVD 2: Future - The road to the new Album
+ exclusive poster
+ 24-page booklet with tons of new photos!

Version 3 - Bundle:
Deluxe Version
+ brand new and exclusive T-Shirt

Releasedate : December

[ zoom - ]


Idag för ca 2 timmar sedan skulle Tokio Hotel ha gjort en intervju på radiostationen
Hot Studio 95.7, Intervjun blev dock inställd och inget vet varför ännu. Det skulle också
vart en meet & greet, är inte säker på om det blev av eller inte.

Senare i eftermiddag ( tänk amerikansk tid ) så har dem en signering i skivaffären
Cactus Records, även den ligger i Houston, men fans som är på plats och köar nu
säger att det bara finns 3st stolar vid signeringsbordet och inte 4st, this is wierd.




Okej, först sas det ju att Tokio Hotel nya album skulle släppas i November, sedan
att det skulle släppas i början av 2009, runt Februari någongång, nu enligt Franska
så kommer det att släppas "innan" sommaren 2009. Det känns som om
det har blivit ännu mer framskjutet. Men vem vet, TH kanske överraskar oss helt när
det gäller det nya albummet, och det finns nog inte mycket annat än att vänta och se.

Källan HÄR


Kom igen rösta, rösta rösta! Vi måste se till att Tokio Hotel - Monsoon
vinner över Jonas Brothers - Lovebug i KISS FM's Video Battle.

Rösta HÄR




Bilder ifrån Tokiohotelus.


Den 5:E DECEMBER släpps en ny Tokio Hotel dubbel DVD, TH TV - Caught on Camera.

October 22, 2008 update.

Tokio Hotel plans to treat their fans the first time by launching a new double DVD, titled "Tokio Hotel TV - Caugh On The Camera" and due on December 5 in France. The first disc, called "The History", sees the German group to review and comment on the last twelve months they have gone crazy. The first DVD actually contains all new images released by the singer Bill Kaulitz and his henchmen on Tokio Hotel TV on their official website, and includes several exclusive footage never broadcast, feature stories of four members of the German group.

The first disk proposed "Tokio Hotel TV - Caugh On The Camera", "The History," also offers a series of images and backstage Tokio Hotel in private, conducted in 2007 and 2008, throughout the journeys of the German group in Europe and the USA elsewhere. After the first puck, the second named "The Future" is as unique as it proposes to follow Tokio Hotel in the preparation of their new studio album, which will be released during 2009 to worldwide, including in France on Polydor. The second DVD presents the exclusive German group in privacy during their moments of relaxation between two trips promo and recording their third studio project. Each fan will discover the scenes of the preparation of the new studio album of the Leader Bill Kaulitz and his henchmen, the materialization of ideas in music, writing texts or recording of their original titles.

Finally, the followers of Tokio Hotel will be delighted to hear exclusive excerpts from several models of the new songs of the German group. At a time when the singer Bill Kaulitz and his cronies are caught between promoting their new studio album in English in the USA and recording their third studio album, with worldwide release is expected before summer 2009, their new double DVD released in three versions beginning in December in France on Polydor. First, a standard edition of "Tokio Hotel TV - Caugh On The Camera" is presented. It includes a digest of the contents of the two washers, "The History" and "The Future" on DVD. Then, a deluxe version is valid, it is enriched with the full two DVDs of "Tokio Hotel TV - Caugh On The Camera", "The History" and "The Future". Finally, an edition bundle will be available before the holiday season, it contains the deluxe version of "Tokio Hotel TV - Caugh on the camera and a t-shirt new collector.

Highly anticipated by fans for the first time, this new double DVD is like a cherry on the cake, because in the space of just three years, Tokio Hotel became the German group's most popular in Europe. France is one of the biggest territories Leader Bill Kaulitz and his henchmen, and the German group went events records. Tokio Hotel already has assets in a unique concert at the Eiffel Tower to over 500 000 people, two Palais Omnisports of Paris-Bercy and a huge tour of eleven dates sold out in 48 hours or a concert at " Parc des Princes, "among others. Finally, to date, all albums and DVDs combined, over one million units were sold on Tokio Hotel in France (Top 3 of best international sales for 2007).


Akustiskt framträdande av Final Day utanför KIIS Fm, HÄR

Signering utanför KIIS Fm, HÄR


En mycket kort artikel med mest bilder finns att läsa HÄR 
och kommer ifrån aftonbladet.se
Kul ändå att killarna börjar få mer och mer uppmärksamhet
även här i Sverige.


Yeeey, Tom har fått egna Tokio Hotel kepsar och jag tycker det
är så sjukt coolt! Spana in denna snygga med små TH loggor på ;




Yeey, nu var det dags för rykten igen! Denna gången handlar det om Grekland.
Ryktet säger att Tokio Hotel kommer att spela i Grekland 2 & 3 Mars samt 24 Juni
nästa år. Jag hoppas det stämmer, verkligen! Roligt med ett europeiskt rykte nu
för omväxlingt skull.


Tokio Hotel - Radio Interview - Los Angelos KIISFM 102.7
Från imorse (eller väldigt nyss egentligen, det är morgon i USA nu, jag blir rörig)
Iallafall, Ryan var väl inte överdrivet snäll hela tiden, men ändå en väldigt bra
intervju! Bill konfirmerar ryktena om att nya skrivan släpps nästa år.
Ladda ner hela intervjun HÄR , 12 min lång.

Host - Do you ever do a ponytail? (med håret)
Bill - . . pony? . . no

^ Haha, så klockrent! The airport story är också sjukt rolig.


Ifrån Latin Awards.



Killarna hade igår eftermiddag en signering @ Virgin Megastore i Orange, CA.





Video ifrån signeringen hittar du HÄR

Signering igår eftermiddag i Phoenix i skivaffären Zia Records
Ca 1000 st fans var med på signeringen. Tom har som ni ser bandana
på sig igen, nya stilen kanske ?


Bara jag som tycker att Bill snart är läskigt smal? .__.


HÄR kan ni ladda ner hela intervju med Tokio Hotel ifrån gårdangens KISS FM.
Intervjun är 18min lång, enjoy!

Tom är klockren : He's hobby was fishing, my hobby was fishing for girls . .


Bills hår är kärlek & Tom ser ut som . . Jultomten.


Jag vill inte ens posta detta inlägget ärligt talat, och snälla ni som läser
ta mig inte vara att vara en bitter avundsjuk person eller något sådan nu men . .

Tokio Hotel ska tillbaka till USA i december igen .
För 5:e gången iår är TH tillbaka i USA igen, den 5:e december kommer dem
att medverka på en spelning anordnad av KISS FM som kallas Phooson.

- - -
Ärligt talat, räcker det inte nu? Jag vet att de flesta här i europa hade fått nog
redan nu när deras 4:e besök i US blev officiellt. Troligtvis blir det väl bara hem
ifrån USA och raka vägen till Liverpool och EMA, sen tillbaka till studion och
sen till USA ännu en gång . . jag gillar det inte.


TH hade igår innan Latin Awards en hemlig signering för ett fåtal fans som
vunnit något tävling. De är precis innan awardshowen så dem (läs ; Bill) har
sina snygga kläder vi sett på alla bilder ifrån LA Awards.

En fanvideo ifrån signeringen kan ses HÄR
Bill är sötsöt.


Måndag den 20 oktober kommer Tokio Hotel att medverka på KIIS FM
i Los Angeles, hosten är ingen mindre än Ryan Seacrest!
Det är stort.


Tokio Hotel kommer ikväll att besöka KISS FM (Radiostation) i Phoenix, Arizona
Dem kommer att göra en intervju och ett akustiskt framträdande.

mer info kommer


Hehe, bilder är ju aldrig fel.


Tidigare iår sas det ju att en Officiell Tokio Hotel fanbok skulle komma
ut till hösten, nu går det att köpa den tyska versionen på amazon.de !

Tokio Hotel: Das offizielle Fanbuch

Köp boken HÄR


Scream!!! We already hear the energía echoing across the border for Los Premios! Want to slide your way into the eye of the storm? Entonces grab your trusty sombrilla and prepare yourself to get drenched in our exclusive Tokio Hotel "Monsoon"!

October 16th has finally arrived, which means we have swapped our shameless reminders for dark eyeliner, hairspray, sunblock, and a (virgin) piña colada. Our pre-gaming glory is never complete without an overdose of celebrity chisme, and identical brothers Bill and Tom are here to add an extra cherry to nuestro refresco. The Los Premios performers and nominees, spoke to us exclusively about their trip to Mexico and their secret Spanish-speaking skills (si señor!). Grab your full fix right below the hood!

What artists are you looking forward to spotting at Los Premios?

Bill: Oh, we are really looking forward for the whole event. Being there, seeing all the artists - I bet there will be a lot of great performances. Then our own performance and being nominated ... It's really a big thing for us and we're excited to be there.

How bad do you want to win the coveted Los Premios tongue award?
Tom: Winning an award is always great but for us it's really exciting just to be nominated. We've only been to Mexico once before. So, like Bill said, we are just excited to be there.

Any particular Latin artist you would like to collaborate with?
Tom: Well, there are a couple of great Latin artists and who knows, maybe someday we'll do a collaboration - but nothing is set yet.

Does anyone in the band know how to speak Spanish?
Bill: [Laughing] I know ‘Hola' and ‘Gracias'! But no, unfortunately none of us speak Spanish. You guys definitely need to teach us some when we come.
Tom: [Smiling] Yes, I really need some great lines for the beautiful girls over there ...

As German musicians, do you ever feel like your English tracks get lost in translation?
Bill: Our lyrics are really important to us and we really want everybody to understand them. So that was the reason why we as band decided to do an English album. We chose our favorite songs from the first and second German album and did a one-to-one translation. [Laughing] We got some help on that, cause obviously our English isn't too good. But the most important thing to us was that none of the meaning of each song got lost. That's why we decided on a one-to-one-translation.

What can fans expect from the band for the rest of 2008?
Bill: We will be busy with working "Scream" the album for the rest of the year. After Los Premios, we'll go over to the States and play a couple of shows and promote the album. In November we will be at the European Music Awards and I think we'll be busy until Christmas. Besides that we take every chance to go into the studio to work on our third German Album. So, there's lot left to do for us till the rest of 2008.




Bill har bytt sin piercing i ögonbrynet, nu mera ser den ut såhär ;



Tokio Hotel tog hem priset i alla 4 kategorier som dem var nominerade i,
i MTV Latin Awards inatt! GRATTIS

Bilder ifrån röda mattan hittar ni här

Dagens fråga, vad sjutton tänkte Bill när han tog på sig de byxorna?

2d751e02.jpg http://www.informador.com.mx/fotogaleria-destacada/ picture by tokiohotelamerica

Bilder ifrån framträdandet och andra bilder hittar ni HÄR

Videon ifrån främträdandet med Monsoon finns HÄR

Videointervju ifrån Röda mattan hittar ni HÄR



Inatt kl 03.00 är det dags för MTV Latin Awards och Tokio Hotel är nominerade
i 4st kategorier! Här syns sittplaceringen inför kvällen gala ;


Nya signeringar i USA i samband med spelningarna i slutet av oktober.
- Phoenix, Arizona 18 oktober
- Orange, California 19 oktober
- Orlando, Florida 24 oktober
- Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 28 oktober

Hoppas ni är glada alla amerikanska fans.


Grattis till en stor del av sydamerika (Andean Region) som nu fått
en egen officiell TH sida!
Länk ; http://tokiohotel.pop24.de/tokiohotel2/index2_an_re.php


A long time ago.


Haha, förlåt men jag tycker bara att bilden är väldigt komisk!
Annars ser både Bill och Tom väldigt heta ut, och Kevin extremt felplacerad.
Bilden kommer ifrån musiqtone.com
- - -
Var tvungen att göra en close up, Bill ser så sjukt överlägsen ut . .


Från Officiella MTV EMA sidan ;

"And never fret Tokio Hotel fans. After giving one of the most memorable performances of the night at last year's EMAs, the band has been confirmed as one of our presenters this year. Will they also walk away with the award for Best Act Ever? Only YOU can make that happen by continuing to vote, vote, vote."

Mtv ema supportar Tokio Hotel, precis som vi!
Du glömmer väl inte bort att rösta?


Ifrån någon fransk tidningen, ingenting utom detta är speciellt intressant ;
Fans kommer att kunna köpa den 2 box DVD som släpps i slutet av November
Den ena kommer att innehålla alla speciella ögonblick och allt som killarna
har upplevt sedan Zimmer 483 släpptes.

Intressant, som vanligt är det bara att vänta och se


Tokio Hotel kommer att vara en av dem som delar ut pris på årets EMA i Liverpool.

"Katy Perry may be hosting but Grace Jones, Sugababes, Solange and Tokio Hotel will also hit our stage.
Some for the many A-list stars presenting winning acts with their statues at the MTV EMAs have been announced.
Actress, singer and renowned nutter Grace Jones and Beyonce's lil' sister Solange will both hit the Liverpool stage.
Travis from Gym Class Heroes- boyfriend of host Katy Perry- will also give one lucky winner their award.
Plus Tokio Hotel- who are nominated for Best Act Ever- and gorgeous girl group Sugababes will also present on November 6.
Performing at the ceremony are Beyonce, Duffy, The Killers, Pink and Kid Rock.
Coldplay, Britney Spears and Duffy lead the nominations while Rick Astley is also nominated."

Källan hittar du HÄR

HOVET 2009?

Hmm, troligtvis en bugg på Showtimetickets hemsida men
HÄR finns Hovet den 3 april (samma som förra året) med som
datum. Biljetterna är snordyra, men det GÅR att köpa biljetter.
Verkar helskummt alltihopa, tyvärr tror jag inte att det stämmer ._.
men vi får se . .


Igår kväll hölls TMF Awards i Belgien, Tokio Hotel var nominerade i 4st
kategorier och Vann 2 st!
Bill vann priset för "Best Male" och hela gruppen vann "Best International Video"
Tokio Hotel närvarade inte på galan.

Best Male, se klipp HÄR
Best International Video, se klipp HÄR


Tokio Hotel are at the highest point of their carreer. The price as best newcomer at the MTV video music awards was a sensation. No other German speaking act has ever accomplished this. Now Bill, Tom Georg and Gustav have more plans, In February 2009 a new album will appear. The boys are thinking about new ideas. Even a duet with Miley Cyrus is being a topic of their discussions. With her Tokio Hotel are willing to sing at the awards and make a short video clip. Background: With the song the boys hope to get in to the USA single-charts. For fans good things will come earlier. In November a new TH DVD will appear. Bill: "A cool documentary of our 1000-hotels Europe tour. Everyone will see us backstage and completely without make-up.

Informationen kommer ifrån Popcorn och tyvärr är ju Popcorn inte speciellt mycket
att lita på. Det som står om Miley är ju ren Bullshit, men förhoppningsvis är det om
DVDn sant!


Bara för att minnas tillbaka , Rette Mich Photoshoot ifrån 2006
alla bilderna är HQ.



Animations ifrån senaste avsnittet av TH TV, undra föresten vad som hände med photoshoot
avsnittet? skummt . .


Den 17 oktober kommer TH att medverka på KISS FM i Phoenix.
Det kommer troligtvis både att vara en intervju + framträdande.

Källan hittar du HÄR


Ett nytt datum för Mini-touren i USA har kommit ;
27 oktober Columbus, Ohio och arenan är Newport Music Hall.


"We wouldn't cope the end of Tokio Hotel"

In the last part of the Tokio-Hotel-series are the guys very thoughtful!

Full halls, front charts-places, prices on the assembly line, millions of fans all over the world - currently Tokio Hotel are absolute high-flyers. But every now and then, Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21) think about the time after the hype. So much for them is clear: A life without their band, no one of them can't imagine this: "Tokio Hotel is our life," says Bill. "Would the band be at the end, a piece of us would die. I can't imagine anything else," he says. And Tom adds: "We don't live in a dream bubble, and know that sometimes other people in the charts will be ahead ahead. It's clear to us." Do the boys have fear for havong a crahs? "We wouldn't cope that," says Bill. "We gave everything up for the band - a normal life is just hardly possible. But we won't take drugs in any case. Sure, it's always easy said in the run-up. You never know. But we will solve this differently." But to think about the end of the band, is not to think at the moment. The boys are currently working on her third album. "That's something very new," says Tom. "And we also fiddle about a surprise for our German fans"


När Jonas Brothers i måndags medverkade på MTV TRL i Italien
så pratade dem om Tokio Hotel ;

Jonas Brothers were at trl Italy on 5 october and they talked about tokio hotel

Interviewer: I have a question for Joe.. Is it true that you are a tokio hotel fan?
Joe Jonas: oh yeah we all like their music a lot.
Interviewer: really?
joe: yeah!
interviewer: oh I thought it was some bull*hit.
joe: we met tokio hotel a couple of weeks ago in New York...yeah we met them in new york.
interviewer: so you don't feel the competition within the two bands?! I mean.
nick jonas : I don't think so..we have different style, different sounds.

Se videon HÄR


Äntligen lite news.

Tokio Hotel Fan Party!
As a big THANK YOU for your incredible support at the MTV Video Music Awards, Tokio Hotel will host
a cool fan party in a European city. Time and location are not confirmed yet but we will reveal all the details
within the next two weeks so make sure to check back on Tokio Hotel's official homepage regularly to
get the inside scoop first! " http://www.tokiohotel.com/


"The waiting will maybe seem unbearable for the fans, but their patience will be rewarded; the new Tokio Hotel album, which was supposed to be released in November, will release in the beginning of 2009. But according to the band's manager, "it will be a very rock CD". Happily!
Contrary to what they announced during summer, the next Tokio Hotel album is not going to be released before the holidays, but between January and March 2009. It's the band's manager, David Jost, who recently announced it. It would seem that the CD, which started to be recorded after the band's most recent and glorious american tour, is very inspired but also very rock. At least, that's what the talented quartet's mentor explained:"The sound is tougher than the one in the precedent albums, Bill has had ideas for new songs for a few months, he passes all his free time on writing lyrics." So we reasonably have to expect for the new album to be a masterpiece.

Källa - hitmusemag.com


At the beginning of September, the Tokio Hotel returned home after a gruelling American tour. Next step: recording the successor to "Zimmer 483". Just before they go into the studio, we've chatted a few minutes with them to take stock of these recent months. Bill and Tom also talk about their next album ...

So guys, glad to be back home after your American journey?
Bill:Yes, we are very happy to be back home and with our families ... We really loved to spend all this time in the United States, but we really began to have difficulties with the country. A month abroad is a long time ...

Tom:As for me, I admit that it really wouldn't have bothered me to stay a little longer. I love the US. First, in terms of clothes, it's really great there. I brought a ton of clothes and several pairs of sneakers that you can't find in Europe. And then, I feel really comfortable in big cities like New York and Los Angeles. I really enjoyed it there ...

Your goal was to break through in the United States. Do you have the feeling that you have attained it?
Tom:Frankly, none of us four expected that there'd be so many fans at our concerts. It has always been sold out and the public was as crazy over there as in Europe. I think, we have fulfilled our contract. The mission is accomplished in a way (laughter).

Georg:We all feel to have managed to achieve something great. I don't think that before us a German band has met such hype in the USA.

Yet, one can slow a bit down the enthusiasm of your American success: during your promo there, you have sold only 100,000 albums, while the goal was to reach 500,000...
Bill:You're right, despite our efforts, "Scream" has not really taken off in the U.S. charts. Frankly, I don't know what the reason is. We have done our best to make our music known to as many people, but the U.S. market is very difficult to access for foreign artists. However, without wanting to sing our own praises, selling 100,000 albums is still enormous for a German band. We are not disappointed by this result.

Tom:What we enjoyed the most was to receive an MTV Video Music Awards for Best New Artist. We didn't expect that at all since we were in competition with Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry or Taylor Swift, who are far more popular than us over there. To receive this award was a real shock. To date, it may be the best reward we have received for our career. In addition, I must say that I really enjoyed seeing the confused puss of Miley Cyrus when the winners, in other words us, have been announced ... (laughter)

You don't seem to have taken her to your heart...
Tom:On the one hand, I am not a fan of what she does, plus, she doesn't have the physical criteria that I look for in a girl. So, everything is said. (laughter)

Bill: Tom talks bullshit, as usual! He is an uptight fan of "Hannah Montana", I've have already caught him watching some episodes secretly. (laughter)

Tom:We will settle that tonight. Secretly ...

How many times have you been asked where did the band name come from when you were in the US?
Bill:(laughter) I don't know. 250 times, the number of interviews we gave there ... I thought, we had returned three years back. The total horror.

Tom: "How did you come to music" is also a question that has often been asked ... Of course, it's boring having to repeat the same thing for the thousandth time. But it makes humble, it reminds us that not everyone is supposed to know us. It does us good to regain that feeling to start from scratch or almost... We've got down a bit from our little cloud.

Georg:Yeah, but I admit that it's annoying, though. I thought that American journalists would have a little better swot their subject before meeting us. Alas, no ...

If you have to treasure a noteworthy event of this trip, which would it be?
Bill:For me, it would probably be one of the signing sessions that we organized in a record store. It's always great to be able to meet our fans and listen to the stories they tell. These meetings have inspired me a lot for our next album ...

Tom:As for me, I especially remember the times when two fans managed to get into my hotel room while I was getting ready to go to bed. I have absolutely no idea how they managed to find us ... However, I must say it was a rather pleasant surprise. But I can not tell you the sequel, I let that to your imagination ... (laughter)

Let's talk about serious things now, the preparation of your third album. What is its state of affairs exactly?
Tom:We are just about to go into the studio. Needless to say we are 100% focused on this new project. That is why you will certainly not hear much about us in the coming months ...

Bill:Yes, we are aware that this is one of the most important steps in our career. The pressure is enormous, but we try not to think about it too much. Our goal is to ensure that this album is simply the best we have recorded.

What can we expect sound-wise?
Tom: The idea is to make songs that surprise our fans and show a facet of us they probably don't know. We don't want to rest on our achievements and record a second "Zimmer 483". The idea is to take some more risks, while maintaining our identity ..

Bill:We also want our lyrics to be more personal. That is certainly the effort that I make. Everything I've experienced in the past year greatly inspired me and I filled notebooks full of lyrics ...

If this third album was going worse than the previous two, would that make you worry about the continuation of your career?
Bill: I know that it would please some people if we fail with our next album. The success has not only attracted sympathies for us, far from it... Now, we don't rack our brains over it. As I said, we are going to make the best possible album. And if it is less well received than "Schrei" or "Zimmer 483", frankly, it wouldn't be the end of the world ...

Tom: Actually, no band can stay on top forever, we are aware of that. For now, our career is like a fairy tale, it is almost too good to be true. We'll surely experience throwbacks. But whatever happens, we are so passionate about music that we'll never stop doing it, that's for sure.


Okej enligt rykten ser killarnas schema för Oktober/November ut såhär ;
1-14 oktober, fortsatt arbete med nya albumet
14-17 oktober, åker till Mexico och medverkar på MTV LA Awards
17 oktober-1 November åker till USA, spelningar och säkert en hel del PR också.
5-7 November, I Liverpool, England. Medverkar på EMA 6 Nov.

Observera att det är rykten, USA Datumen samt Mexico är ju konfirmerat
sedan länge, EMA delen är det dock inte.


Tokio hotel: No time for this many prizes

Four boys that just want some peace: Tokio Hotel. Essentially Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg should be working on there third album like crazy.

There focus is now constantly interrupted because of another awardshow.

Tokio hotel can't seem to break out of the celebration of awards. After the Echo, Goldener Kamera and four comet awards Bill and Tom Kaulitz (both18), Gustav Schafer (20) and Georg Listing (21) won a MTV Video Music Award for "Best Newcomer" at the beginning of September 2008 in los Angeles.

After this triumph in America the four boys wanted to lock themselves away in the studio in Hamburg to finally produce there third album. The record company is pressuring a lot - the record has to be released at the same time all over the world ( something that only happens with megastars like Madonna or the Rolling Stones).

But it won't go like that: The four Magdeburgers are now nominated for the MTV Latin Awards (on 16 October in Mexico) and also the MTV Europe Music Awards (on 6 November in Liverpool). Lots of stress on the program.

"It gives us trouble keeping up with that time planning for the third album", tells manager David Jost to Express. With every awardshow ( and Universal expects the four boys to be there) the boys are torn away from the studio and that even when every day now counts.

The Tokio Hotel fans expect some fresh and new "TH-material" for there ears.



TH TV #46

Backstage Stories ! Det roligaste är när Bill & Tom pratar om att
ha ett badkar i turnébussen. Nästa vecka är det äntligen dags för

Se avsnitt 46 HÄR




The dark side of success

It is not all gold that glitters. Tokio Hotel is also annoyed of some sites of their celebrity life.

For three years, they are under constant observation. Whether on holiday on the Maldives, the stroll through Paris or in front of every hotel in the world. Wherever Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21) stay, paparazzi are not far, an photoflash-storm goes down to the guys. Not always to the delight of the four, as they betrayed BRAVO.

BRAVO: What do you hate in your life as a star?
BILL: The positive outweighs the course. But I hate it, that we don't have any private stuff. And the badest thing are the paparazzi!
TOM: For us, it's important, to protect the life of our family and freinds. They have nothing to do with our job. If we are with them, it's bad for us, especially when paparazzi appear.
BILL: You have to be truly an evil man, to be a paparazzi. I hate them.

BRAVO: Thereby, you have luck here in Germany - here are paparazzi harmless.
TOM: That's true. In other countries it's really harder. In France and America are the paparazzi the most glaring.

BRAVO: What is annoying you?
BILL: Sometimes, everything it too much for me. Then I lie in the bed and think: "I can't anymore!" Then I will simply not stand up, can't laugh for a shooting into the camera or inspire people. I feel as if someone have to help me. Because I totally lacking self-confidence and I simply want a break.
TOM: Sometimes I have homesickness.
GEORG: When I'm long on the road, I miss my family. And then, sometimes I get a bad mood.
BILL: I get oftener sich. And if I'm away from home, is this terrible. Then I'm missing Germany totally. I'm also sad, when I'm alone in the hotel room. As much as I love it, to be with the band on the road - in hotel rooms I'm really sentimental. I can't even say exactly why. But then I wish myself into my own bed. While Tom would never admit it, but I bet he is sometimes sad. At the latest, when his hotel room acquaintances are gone again.
TOM: I also miss often the german toilet paper. (laughs). If we are at the end of the world, we're really looking forward to coming home ...

BRAVO: You have to live with many scandals and rumors. How do you handle with it?
BILL: Mostly we know it before, what there will be. Sooner, when we had dinner at the club, we knew exactly what there will be at the next day in the newspaper: "Teenagers drink alcohol. How can they be a role model?!"
TOM: Or something like: "Tom sits alone at the table - separates the band?", is also very popular.
GUSTAV: Or: "Bill looks sad - does he have depressions?"
TOM: Everything, that people, who never know us personally, write about us, I don't really care. But if it's about our families, it's not okay.

BRAVO: There was the story about your grandfather, who allegedly shooted around.
BILL: The funny thing is, that this wasn't our grandfather. We even didn't knew this man.
TOM: Just over 20,000 corners. But everbody says, that we're related with him.
BILL: Just like in school. There was then suddenly every girl with us together and each class mates were our best friends. And I should also owe all the people twenty euro.

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