Från Shannon, jag markarade det mest intressanta i fetstil.

We got in and they literally sat us RIGHT in the front. I was so excited lol the camera was on us so much.
When the band came out they stood right in front of where me and my friend Ariel were so I got to like stare at them and really soak them in hahaha (that sounds so creepy) but anways, Bill looked freakin amazing, I loved what he was wearing, he looked so good. Tom's dreads did look shorter, but they looked good. I wanted to touch them haha. Georg's hair is starting to get long, I think he should trim it xD and Gustav pretty much just stood there the whole time with him arms crossed not saying anything... as usual hahaha. But I did get a nice view of all of their asses for the first few min ;D lmao
They played TH songs during commerical breaks and people were singing along, it was really nice.
They had a few girls ask the band questions (I saw them picking the girls out when I was standing in line) and I do remember a few of the questions. One was "what do you look for in a girl/are you single?" haha like we've heard a million times and they all confirmed that they were single and Bill said something about wanting to find his true love and everyone went 'awwww' and he looked kinda embarassed and looked down, it was so adorable. Another question was for Bill and the girl asked that since him and Tom are twins and could tell what eachother are thinking, she wanted to know what Tom was thinking about right then haha it was actually a cute question and everyone started laughing because they confirmed that they wouldnt be able to say it on tv xD One girl did metion about the TH fan and JB fan fued thing and Bill was just sorta like 'oh.. well we've never met the JB, but we hear they're famous over here in America' haha the rest of the questions (that I remember) were sorta stupid (favorite song to play live, etc).


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