Här kommer en ny intervju med killarna som gjordes av ett Italiensk tidning . .
som jag tyvärr har glömt namnet på , Tack till Carlz på THA för översättning !

Intervjuaren : How did you meet and how did you became a band?
Orkar inte posta svaret, ni vet väl det redan haha
Intervjuaren : You were called "Devilish" , then "Tokio Hotel".Why the new name?
Samma här
Intervjuaren : Bill, judging from photos from your shows it looks like you always had the
porcupine hair and wore heavy make-up, even when you were very young.How much time
do you dedicate for your look? Do you wear make-up only on shows or do you generally go out like that?
Bill: My hair are naturally curly ( VA ? DET vill jag se, haha ) so I spend much time to flat iron them.
Make-up is by now part of who I am so I wear it always, even when I go out in training gear.
Intervjuaren : Your mother was a seamstress. ( sömmerska ) Did she influence the way you dress?
Bill: We got from her the need to personalize our oufits.Tom and I interpreted this in different ways
I love outfits that are fitted and a bit flashy. Tom, in harmony to his dreadlocks, likes to wear oversized outfits.
Intervjuaren : You were born in Leipsig, an area that up to 1989 was considered East Germany.
What does "East" now means to you? ( Väldigt konstig fråga )
Bill: As for every other person, East is to us just a geographic direction. After our first album was
released we moved with our family in Hamburg. We live in the same building but in 3 different
apartments. I share the same apartment with my brother Tom.He complains that I use the
bathroom for hours ;-)
Intervjuaren : Is there a leader in the band?
Bill: There's no leader.In interviews I'm the one who speaks in the name of the band for
practical reasons. Maybe because, unlike the others, I'm not a musician but a singer.
Within the band we are all free to speak our minds.There's a democratic spirit among us.
It's almost impossible to fight.
Intervjuaren : Last year Tom and you finished school. Are you going to continue with your studies?
Bill: Although we always had good grades school was for us very stressful and tiring.
Now that we're working hard we had to finish school with internet and video classes.
School is a closed chapter for us.
Intervjuaren : What was the grade on your degree?
Bill: 1.8 
Intervjuaren :  You're not very confident with your english though and your first hits were in german . .
Bill: It's true, we know english from school and not that well. At the moment we don't have time to
study english so when needed we use an interpreter. It's not such a big deal after all ( nähä nä . . )
Intervjuaren : In your last album you started singing in english but fans prefer german.
In Montpellier the concert was only in german and the crowd loved that !
Bill: When we played in Italy last autumn out of 21 songs 4 were in german. To make fans happy we
may even sing only in german in the 3 concerts we'll give in Italy. We can think about it.
Intervjuaren : You were criticized by some for the "Don't Jump" video.
The original version speaks of suicide and the last scene shows you Bill jumping from the rooftop.
Bill: We were misunderstood."Don't jump" isn't a song about suicide, it's about friendship.
It's about how a friend can help you to think and not make serious mistakes.
But it wasn't understood and for that reason our manager decided to remove the last scene from the video.
The message however is still the same: don't give up
Intervjuaren : Is there a song to which your are particularly attached?
Bill: All our songs are very important to us.They all carry a message. In concerts I dwell on "Geh".
Sometimes, although it's hard, we have to say to someone close to us that ,for both our shakes,
it's better to be apart.It's an invitation to sincerity.
Intervjuaren : Girls are crazy for you.Do you have girlfriends?
Bill: At the moment none of us has time for women

ursäkta för mina paranteser med kommentarer, jag kunde inte låta bli
Puss / Sara


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